WBA Boat Shop Activities

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Robin touching up the port side bottom paint.

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Phil successfully (and single-handedly) hoists his engine.

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Skippers Stan Lehnhardt and Leroy Newkirk checking the compression on the engine of Leroy's 1959 Chris Craft Ski Boat- "Miss Tris"

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Skippers Robin McGeorge and Dick Peterson putting the final Ferrari-red coat of paint on the bottom of their Canadian mystery boat.

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Leroy tinkering with carburetor while Stan contemplates the situation.

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Robin's stable of completed restoration projects protected from the elements.

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An orphaned Lyman project project boat wating for adoption and attention. "SOLD"

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Bob constructing the our new flush facilities.


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Skipper Phil Wolff preparing to pull the engine from his 1958 16' Century Resorter.

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Mark Webster sanding the blond decks on his 1956 Chris Craft Continental- "Billy Bob"


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