Including an Update from Lucas! |
July, 2019 |
WBA's 2019 Season Kicks off with Harvey Party!
Attendees at the WBA Season Kickoff Party at the home of Ray and Carol Harvey in Dallas on May 31 enjoy moderate libation and fellowship before the barbecue is served. The mood was festive, of course! |
The Eagle Mountain Classic Boat Club did it again, hosting a exemplary show at the Fort Worth Boat Club on Eagle Mountain Lake on Saturday June 15. The WBA had a good representation there, including Steve McCune's "Dee Dee's Hafer" (below) and Doug and Robyn Campbell's Mercury (lower right). Dan Stober photos. |
(Above) Karl Dietz’s 1958 22’ Century Resorter shows beautifully. Land displays complemented the water show, and a wide array of classic cars and motorcycles completed the show. A comprehensive photo reportage of the event compiled by Trey Bull can be found here. Thanks to Trey and all those who made this wonderful show possible! |
Lake Tyler Rendezvous Debuts with Success!
The Myers take "Ngo Said Yes" out for a spin (above) during the Saturday, June 15 debut of the WBA Lake Tyler Rendezvous. The overnight event included two runs on the lake, a show at Bob Peppard's The Boulders marina, and an evening in the incomparable car barn of Tyler WBA member Billy Hibbs. (Below) Longview WBA member Michael Guillory's Dodge Water Car makes a splash, even on land! It was great to be close to our East Texas members! (Jay Emerson photos) |
(Above) Charles and Markus Still pose beside one of the two Chris-Crafts they brought to Lake Tyler. The Boulders marina features not only a gas dock, but a shore side gas station for boats and cars. (Below) The unstoppable Bob Germany brought his Higgins runabout to the show. The event involved an overnight stay (and in some cases two nights!) at the nearby La Quinta, University. Thanks, Jim Donovan, for arranging an affordable group rate! Watch the video here! |
Stacey and Jeff Dils have again graciously invited the WBA to attend a Rendezvous on their home waters of Lake Cypress Springs! Mark your calendar for this fun outing. |
Plan on a fun day on the water with your WBA friends. It'll be a full day of cruising, dining and celebrating our hobby. Evite with event details is forthcoming. |
Steve & Denise McCune of the WBA, in cooperation with Highport Marina on beautiful Lake Texoma, invite you to participate Rudders & Rods 2019 on August 10, 2019. |
Various participants in June events supported by the WBA shared photos and videos as the program for the June 20th meeting. David Kanally showed his videos and Jay Emerson's photos of the Lake Tyler event, followed by Phil Wolff, who showed photos and videos of the Heartland Classics ACBS chapter's Table Rock Lake event (check out Phil's Facebook page). Then Trey Bull shared a presentation of the many boats that were part of the Wood, Waves & Wheels show on Eagle Mountain Lake. It was a great to see all this, since we can't be everywhere all at once! Thanks to all our presenters. |
Donated Lyman Passes Sea Trial, Fisher Chris Gets Copper Bronze!
Next WBA Monthly Meeting July 18, 2019, Mark Your Calendar! Our next meeting will be Thursday, July 18th, 2019 at 7 p.m. at Two Guys from Italy at 11637 Webb Chapel Road, just south of Forest Lane. We'll be continuing our door prize tradition, giving out a classic boating book from collections donated by Pat Baldwin to a lucky winner. Our meetings are a great opportunity to socialize with fellow WBA members and to talk shop on questions on everything from paint and varnish to carburetor kits. We'll be swapping stories of our various boating and project adventures. Plus, we'll have a presentation of general interest to antique and classic boating enthusiasts. And, of course, we'll have generous helpings of fellowship and Italian food. Join us for a light meal and moderate libation at 5:30 p.m. at Two Guys from Italy prior to the meeting. We encourage you to join us for dinner, so we'll always have the required minimum number of diners to avoid a room charge. Shop Talk and Musings: Here we see the two metal parts of a vintage Evinrude outboard prop: on the left, a bronze ferrule called the "bushing sleeve" and on the right, the cast aluminum prop itself. These two are normally joined by a rubber "torsion hub", which in this case had deteriorated and failed. The rubber hub surrounds the bushing sleeve and is pressed into the prop body. The common terminology is that this prop was "spun", and couldn't get the donated Lyman above about 5 mph during the initial sea trial at Lake Tyler on June 15. We were stuck, frankly, and we felt that our 2-hour drive to the lake to get good footage of the Lyman at speed were for naught. Enter Lawrence Llore, local car and boat guy who got on the horn with his friends and family to see if anybody could come up with a solution. Sure enough, Lawrence's son had a spare Evinrude prop in his john boat, so he very generously invited me to ride along with him and his wife, Janet, to go get the prop as a loaner. We drove about an hour round-trip, and met a couple of Lawrence and Janet's grandkids in the process. The loaner prop worked great, and resulted in the footage you can watch here. What a kind gesture by Lawrence and Janet. We will remember their kindness. By the way, we took the parts pictured at left to James Propeller, and we'll have a new hub pressed in by the time you're reading this. And finally, please take a look in the shed or garage for leftover parts or other salable items you can donate to the Club. Bring them to any WBA meeting, or contact David Kanally at for pickup. |