The Bilge Pump

Volume 2 Issue 4 May 2005

Message from the President

Our next meeting will be Thursday, May 19th at 7:30 p.m. Directions to our meeting location can be found on the website

The event everyone has been waiting for is nearly here – the North Texas Classic Car and Boat Event at Grapevine Lake on Saturday May 21st. We’re looking to have a minimum of 10 boats in the water. If you haven’t registered yet, do it now! A catered BBQ will be set up at noon and the cost is $10. Make your reservation-checks payable to "CCCA/NTR" and send it to:

13109 Halwin Circle

Dallas, TX 75243

Please indicate whether you’ll be bringing a boat, and whether you need a slip. Full registration forms are included in this Bilge Pump emailing.

Congratulations to the ACBS-Southwest Chapter for its involvement in the wonderfully successful Keels & Wheels Concours d’ Elegance. WBA members that held key rolls in the event included *:

Bob Van Guilder - Chief Judge (Boats)

Robin McGeorge - Launch Master

Troy Gately - Show Photographer

Dave Parker - Excursion Coordinator

* (Many other WBA members participated in the event and helped with certain functions, but these individuals held specific positions, as reported in the Sou-Wester newsletter).

We are looking to develop a page on the WBA website to feature member boats. So, dig out your photo album, find your best shot, and send it with a caption/description to Phil Wolff @

If anyone would be willing to bring refreshments to this month’s meeting, please give me a call @ (214) 265-1135. I look forward to seeing everyone at the May meeting.

Upcoming WBA Meeting Dates & Presentations

Thursday May 19th        "Pictures from Paradise – A Review of the Hot Springs Boat Show at Garvan Gardens." Les Burton


"Highlights from Keels & Wheels". Richard Haug

Thursday June 16th "Everything You Always Wanted to Know

About Alternators and Generators,

But Was Afraid to Ask." Stan Lehnhardt

Upcoming Boating Events


Saturday May 21st North Texas Classic Car and Boat Event

Silver Lake Marina @ Lake Grapevine

Joint Event Sponsored by the CCCA & WBA

Contact David Kanally @

Saturday June 4th 17th Annual Boat Show

Eagle Mountain Classic Boat Club

Contact Kathy Snook @

Fri.-Sun. June 10 - 12 Summer Solstice Ride n' Show - Conroe, TX,

Contact Dr. Jacob Deegan - 713.796.2269


Pre-Meeting Gathering

For a light meal, libation, and tall tales, join us @ 5:30 p.m. at

The Midway Point

12801 Midway Rd., 75244

(SWC Midway & LBJ)