Project Updates from the Lucas Shop!
(Above) Robin McGeorge removes the steering column from Hallams' 1959 Yellow Jacket Trigger. The cable and pulley system is typical of outboards from the '50s.
(Above) The Trigger's dash bears some scars of old instruments that were not original to the boat. For that reason, it will be skinned with new mahogany during restoration.
(Above) Carl Lapiska uses masking tape to protect the planks from unwanted bleeding of stained, thickened epoxy seam filler.
(Below) Carl and son, Hayden, made great headway over the holidays in the fairing of the transom. The unfinished portion provides a comparison with the finished work.
(Above) From inside the Trigger, Seb Borrello can loosen some pesky bolts holding the steering wheel bracket. The Trigger had been restored before, in the late '70s.
(Above) Robin McGeorge works to loosen the distributor mechanism from the Merc 350 outboard that may adorn the transom of Hallams' Trigger, if it can be returned to proper operating condition. (Hallam photos)
(Above) A close-up of a filled seam shows that Carl's careful masking has paid off. After stain and varnish, this seam will be gorgeous.
(Below) The sides of Carl's Super Sport are faired and ready for finishing, following hours of work to sand them to a smooth, even surface. (Lapiska photos)
Next WBA Monthly Meeting January 20 on Zoom!
Our next meeting will be Thursday, January 20th, 2022, at 7 p.m. Given the recent increase in the Dallas County Covid alert to red, this meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. You'll receive an email invitation to the meeting a few days prior, including the link to join on your computer, smart phone or land line. We'll be continuing our door prize tradition, giving out an e-book of the lucky winner's choice, or a complimentary design of a boat show placard.
Plus, we'll be laying out our plans for the coming boating season, including our recurring events, as well as new rendezvous and new ideas for 2022! Your participation is very important.
The meeting will take place on line, using the Zoom application for your cell phone or your home computer. To make things easier at meeting time, it would be a good idea for you to go to your normal smart phone app store to download Zoom Cloud Meetings, or go to on your home computer and sign up. Prior to the meeting, you will be sent an email with a link to join the meeting, and further instructions. Those who wait to download Zoom will also receive a link to do that just before the meeting starts. If you are among those who need a few attempts to be successful with technology, you may want to get the downloading taken care of ahead of time.
Our meetings are a great opportunity to socialize with fellow WBA members and to talk shop on questions on everything from paint and varnish to carburetor kits. Please join us on Zoom to be a part of our monthly fellowship!
Shop Talk and Musings: New Year, Old Problems, New Possibilities
Who would have thought, back in January of 2021, that we would be dealing with some of the highest daily infection rates of the pandemic a full year later? This thing just won't go away. Happily, we have adjusted and found ways to get together virtually. We owe a tip of the hat to John Ables, who encouraged us to develop a Zoom meeting capability early on, and to our President, Scott Myers, who made it happen. While there's no substitute for in-person fellowship, the Zoom gatherings are certainly a safe alternative. As we prepare for our January 20th Zoom meeting, it's time to ask you for your ideas for the coming year. We always have room for improvement, and you may just have a great idea for an event or a change in the way we operate as a club that will make us that much better in 2022. We invite your best thinking and full participation as we approach this new year, which carries over some old problems, but presents us with new opportunities.
And finally, please take a look in the shed or garage for leftover parts or other salable items you can spray with Lysol, then donate to the Club. Contact David Kanally at for more info. |